2020 CRRF Virtual Conference:
Supporting Rural
Recovery & Resilience
From October 1-2, 2020, the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation hosted a 'Virtual Conference' to share highlights from the CRRF Rural Insight Series: COVID-19. The event was hosted in partnership with the Rural Policy Learning Commons. Copies of presentations and resources made available by the presenters are available below. Be sure to sign up for CRRF’s free national newsletter to receive rural development news and details of upcoming events.
Keynote: The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development
Plenary Panel: Rural and Island Resilience
Supporting Rural Recovery and Resilience After COVID-19
Island Responses to COVID-19
Laurie Brinklow, Heather Hall, Ryan Gibson, Sean Markey
Panel: Care and Community
Long-Term Residential Care, COVID-19 and a “Political Culture of Neglect”: Implications for Rural: Al Lauzon
Rural Mental Health During COVID-19: Kathleen Kevany (.ppt presentation)
Gender-Based Violence in Rural and Remote Communities: Katie Allen (.ppt presentation)
New Researchers Forum
Changing Patterns in People and Products
Exports, Imports, and Local Economic Resilience: Karen Foster
The Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian Agriculture and the Agri-Food Sector: Emily C. Sousa & Sara Epp (.ppt presentation)
Supporting Newcomers and Migrants in Rural Canada During and After COVID-19: Lou Helps & Ray Silvius (.ppt presentation)
Rural Employment and Workforce Development - Impacts and Opportunities : Victoria Agyepong & Ray Bollman (.ppt presentation)
Panel: Innovating through Infrastructure
Addressing the Digital Divide: COVID-19 and the Importance of Connecting Rural Canada: Ashleigh Weeden & Wayne Kelly
Challenges with Rural Drinking Water Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance in Rural Newfoundland and Labrador During COVID-19: Deatra Walsh & Amy Hudson (.ppt presentation)
Rethinking Infrastructure Investments: Supporting Post-Pandemic Rural Recovery and Climate Resilience through Green Infrastructure: Jay Maloney & Paul Kraehling (.ppt presentation)
CRRF AGM + Social Hour